Morecambe Mark Lodge welcomes the Provincial Team
10th October 2016
The first Team visit for a brand new Provincial Team is always a special occasion, and this was certainly no exception.  Geoffrey Lee, Deputy Prov.GM, headed up this special event, in place of our Prov.GM Keith Beardmore, who is recovering well after his recent heart operation. Indeed, Keith phoned Geoffrey just before the Lodge opened, to give his very best wishes to all present! 
Present & Past Mark Deputy ProvGM’ s, Geoffrey Lee & Tony Harrison
New WM Keith Atkinson, with Installing IPM Peter Jackson
Peter did a wonderful job!
The meeting itself was tinged with sadness, as the WM, Geoffrey Needham was absent, caring for his wife who is ill, to whom we all send our very best wishes; and so IPM Peter Jackson was drafted in at short notice to perform the duties of WM.  Geoffrey Lee took the chair to introduce the new Provincial Team, who were all delighted to be present to witness a really first class Installation ceremony.
Stuart Brackstone, Special Representative, welcomes the Team
The Chain Gang!
The magnificent Provincial Team
The working tools were presented by a young member of the Lodge, who may go far - Tony Harrison, who also gave the address to the WM! Hard work indeed put in by our Craft PGM.  Alan Fairhurst, Prov.GJW gave the address to the Overseers, and Alan Foster Prov.GSW addressed the Wardens. Geoffrey Lee addressed the Brethren, and then gave the best wishes of the Prov.GM to all present. The cheques were then presented, £500 to motor neurone charities, and £216 to the W Lancs Mark Charities.
Acting Grand Officers, Howard Emmett, Giles Berkley & Peter Hegarty
John Bicknell & Malcolm Cambidge, Secretaries of Province and Lodge
Provincial Tyler Ernie Gavan tries out the Chair!
The Festive Board was a typically happy event for Mark Masonry. Geoffrey Lee welcomed the 20 grand Officers present, and congratulated Peter Jackson for a superb ceremony, and all the officers for the manner in which they had performed. Our Deputy Prov.GM then went on to stress the fun, friendship and fellowship of the happy Mark Degree, and that we should always attend our meetings and encourage others to join the Craft, and then Mark, and then the Royal Ark Mariner Degree - he asked why we were depriving him of the privilege of meeting our friends who have not yet joined!  A good point indeed.... We have a lower RAM membership than some other Provinces, and he encouraged us to spread the word about this very colourful and happy Degree.
Acting Officers Alan Peaks, Mike Casey, and our Wardens
Alan Fairhurst & Alan Foster, Wardens of the Province
Wallie Aitcheson and Stephen Leech
Following a brief update on the recovery of our Provincial Grand Master, Keith Beardmore, who is now out walking, as the doctor ordered, we were advised that Keith is intending to be present at the Provincial Ball on the 22nd at the Preston Marriott.  We will all no doubt have to respect the wishes of June, and Keith's doctor, in protecting Keith from becoming over-tired - if all 170 of us go up and shake his hand vigorously, he may not dance the night away!  Please be gentle with our leader.  We do have a number of places still available for the Ball, due to some unavoidable cancellations - please contact Giles on urgently if you want to come along.
John Waring books us all in
Tony Harrison is surrounded by Brian Davey & Stuart Brackstone
Deputy Prov.GM Geoffrey Lee talks of fun and friendship
Geoffrey Lee then went on to promote the health awareness evenings which are being held around the Province, which are not just for Masons, but also friends and families. One to one meetings are available to discuss your concerns on diabetes, stroke, prostate and alzheimers, details available on this website.  The Children's Christmas party is again taking place at Leyland, free of charge for children - organised by Ian Nairn, with tickets from Paul Snape or your Special Representatives. Geoffrey thanked Stuart Brackstone for all his hard work, and also the DCs for the evening, Arthur Robinson, Ken Boon and Bryan Fox, along with the Lodge Secretary Malcolm Cambidge. 
The Lodge laughs loudly with Lee!
Tony Harrison and Stuart Brackstone enjoy the evening
IPM and new WM share wine, and thanks.
Alan Foster, Prov.GSW responded to the toast to the Provincial Officers by thanking Peter Jackson for the ceremony, who stepped in at short notice, and all the brethren who performed the addresses. Tony Harrison then toasted the WM, Keith Atkinson, and wished him a happy, healthy and busy year. In response Keith gave a very erudite, and short, response! 
WM Keith Atkinson replies to his toast
Dave Sear and Eric Hart man their wands
Lodge members Tony Harrison & Keith Kemp
We all headed back home after a really terrific evening, with Morecambe Mark Lodge hosting the new Provincial Team in fine style. 
Words and pictures by Giles